My First Steps


Sunday, December 14, 2003

| | Well played, Sir

*Clink* A toast to the partnership of Dravid and Laxman.

Whoever said that "The Wall" would finally be breached down under.

Its finally snowing again. Its the first real snow this winter, the quad like a large white sheet is probably one of the best scenes. No snowmans or snowfights tho, cause i remind myself, its exam time :(

JaI. | 6:01 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2003

| | New Template

Am experimenting with this new template!
Bouquets and Brickbats - welcome.

And yes, this doesnt mean that i have a lot of time on my hands. Was just restless!

JaI. | 3:46 AM

Sunday, December 07, 2003

| | F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

There has been this sudden craze of seeing the first few seasons of friends, with people around me. We have been renting DVD's and have covered the first 4 seasons in less than 2 weeks now.
Not a great fan of friends, this was the first time i ever sat down to take notice of why people liked this sitcom so much. And notice i did, it sure is pure fun. The problem is, everyone i know and interact with, i try to compare him/her to one of the 6 characters.
All of us at some point in time, must have been a ross or a chandler or a monica. Which character do u think u behave like ? Whom do u most resemble in real life ? would love to know.
psst - also whom do u think i behave like.

Exams round the corner, the next 2 weeks are going to be like hell !! That wont stop me from following India's fortunes down under tho. And yes Stever Bucknor should retire...high time. I think the ball was so high, it might have missed the sight boards too(chuckle).

JaI. | 6:52 PM