My First Steps


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

| | Time management !

Never thought i would have a problem with that ever in life. I always managed to have time for everything, just like that - and i thought it was me. It actually was having more time and lesser things to do :)

Lately, that hasnt been happening tho. Run of the mill things like msn and blogging which were part of life havent been happening off late. Logged into msn after like 3 and a half weeks - how sad is that ?. That things have changed a bit of late and that i now go to a regular 9 to 5 job arent really the only reasons. I am neither allowed messenger or non work sites like say TOI etc at work. So that leaves me with some free time at work but nothing to do.

Weekends come and go just like that, have been travelling a lot so stuff like laundry has to be done on weekdays too. PHEW some would say - "dude welcome to the real world". Some would say stop cribbing,but i do miss the comfort and flexibility of college life, sleep whenever getup whenever and have time to urself.

Its been some time since i got into this routine, am kindda settling into this, so hopefully will have more time to do other stuff. Till then irregularity is the name of the game :)

JaI. | 10:38 PM